Welcome @stoeps.de, the blog of Christoph Stoettner

I work at Vegard IT GmbH as a senior consultant with a focus on collaboration software, Kubernetes, security and automation. I mainly deal with HCL Connections, WebSphere Application Server, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform and Linux.

Sometimes my daily work results in technical talks and blog articles, which you can follow here more or less regularly. You can find the presentations in the main menu under public speaking .

I created a list of tools I use regularly, most of which have been released under an open source license.

In my spare time I read a lot, test all kinds of technical software and gadgets and try to follow about 200 RSS feeds.
Here you can find a collection of them.

This is my private blog, all opinions are my own.

Some of my profiles


Last created or modified articles

I started reviewing old blog post and replace links, or check if the information is still valid. So here are the last updated articles.

Christoph Stoettner
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I create a lot of virtual machines during the week to test deployments, or try to digg into problems of deployments. In the past I used Vmware Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox or MS HyperV on my desktops, but I also used Vmware ESX. I tried to use Vagrant and Packer to prepare images and distribute them, but wasn’t satisfied at all.

Last Update:
Read in about 6 min
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The newsletter in version 2 format has one big disadvantage, we or our users lost the easy links to the topic, author profile or application.

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Read in about 2 min
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Connections 7 has a new Administration Console to access Communities Template administration and Mobile Administration.

The Administration Console can be reached on https://cnx-hostname/cnxadmin/. The / at the end is important, because the ingress rule just forwards /cnxadmin/(.*).

On Firefox you get this view:

/cnxadmin/ panel

With Chrome (Chromium, Edge) the left menu is missing. There is a display: inline-flex for some elements in index.css of the Administration Console.

So how can we inject a repaired css file into the container?


One quick and dirty way is to use a configMap with the adjusted stylesheet. So I did the following:

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Read in about 2 min
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The last days I analyzed an issue, that file uploads to HCL Connections via IBM HTTPServer stopped working on a fresh installed 6.5CR1.

Today I configured a Connections 7 and tried with it. I think that the official documentation is old in some important parts for the upload configuration.

First of all my IBM HTTPServer is not 32-bit like the documentation tells us:

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Read in about 5 min
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Since IBM Connections 6.0CR4 we can use a new newsletter format which needs still (now with HCL Connections 7) be activated separately in LotusConnections-config/notification-config.xml.

Today some users asked how they can add other users to their private communities (visible in Community catalog) without manually adding them. As we investigated the question I had a look at the old notification format.

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Read in about 3 min
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Since the update to the new HCL Connections Community Card-Based Overview (Connections 6.0 CR4) I search for a way to hide the button “Create Community” from users without the role “Community-Creator”. This was always possible in the earlier versions of Connections, but the button was shown always since the update.

During the year I mostly forgot about it, but yesterday I opened a case with HCL Connections Support and got immediatly following answer:

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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I write most of my documents (blog posts, documentation, recipes and so on) with Asciidoctor . Everything is organized in Git repositories.

During GPN 19 (Gulaschprogrammiernacht) I showed how to build html and pdf with a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline . That’s quite handy, but lots of documents I build, I just need locally.

So today I played with WSL2 and a Makefile to build all Asciidoctor files in a directory.

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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Some weeks ago I wrote about an workaround to prevent TDI from deleting the touchpoint status in HCL Connections .

During some research on TDI I found Mapping fields manually in the HCL Connections documentations. This document describes how to add additional fields to the TDI synchronisation. On point 11 I found something new for me. You can add additional fields and then add the content with an Javascript function for example.

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Read in about 3 min
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Last week I didn’t find very useful links to read or articles to share. This week I read more books, so a recommendation for a book this week and two articles with awk basics.

https://www.packtpub.com/product/the-kubernetes-workshop/9781838820756[The Kubernetes Workshop   icon:external-link[], window=_blank]:: Still preparing for CKA, so I read a lot around Kubernetes. This book is brand new and the first chapters are already useful. I think it’s more detailled than the books I read about Kubernetes before.

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Read in about 2 min