
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
The next big IBM Connections Community event – Social Connections 9 – takes place November 05/06 in Ehningen / Germany. The theme of the event is “Working out loud” and it offers tons of sessions all around IBM Connections and Adoption in the social software world. This will be my fifth Social Connections Event after Zurich, Prague, Stockholm and Boston, for me all of them were great experiences and personally very successful. I have been working with ESS / ICS / Lotus products since 2000 and I followed many other community members through blogs, forums, web events and tweets, but I rarely had the chance to meet any of them in person.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
The call for abstracts for Social Connections 9 in Ehningen will be closed on monday! So if you plan to attend and want to share your knowledge you have only few days left to submit your abstract! The first keynote speakers are announced and i see forward to meet John Stepper – “Working Out Loud: How to make work more effective & fulfilling across your organization” and Silvia Cambie – “Convincing the C-Suite: Collaboration begins with Culture” If you’re interested to attend the event you can register on Eventbrite , Social Connections 9 will be on 5th and 6th november in Ehningen, Germany.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Admincamp 2015 will take place from 21st to 23rd September at Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen . I will talk about “IBM Connections administrieren” and “IBM Connections Best Practise”. During my first session i will show you the basic knowledge that you can manage your IBM Connections infrastructure, often needed tasks like reparent Communities, synchronise profiles, backup and basic troubleshooting. The second session is the extended and updated version of my IBM ConnectED session, i will show you often seen mistakes during deployments, basic sizing thoughts and how to tune your environment. The session will be in german and we have 90 minutes to cover all informations around IBM Connections deployment and administration.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Social Connections 8 ended some hours ago and first I want to thank the organization team ! It was a great job and an awesome conference you built here. The speaker gift was an absolute great idea! It was the first time Social Connections headed to the United States and the location at IBM Boston was a well made decision. I visited the Boston area the first time and enjoyed all the days. I already arrived on Sunday evening and had the pleasure to stay with Victor and his family until we headed to Boston. Thanks for the hospitality! Opening session speaker Susan Livingston showed great new stuff around IBM Connections and IBM Verse.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Last week i was at ConnectED 2015 in Orlando. I enjoyed the event very much, mainly because i met great old and new friends. The Lotus community is one of the best i’ve ever met, or i ever was part of. After coming home i found out that i have a flu and the headache and need of sleep is not age dependent. So the visits to kimonos and dolphin bar are a little bit shorter than last year, but i enjoyed them nevertheless. I did a session during ConnectED 2015, see the last version of slides here: Today i read in Anderl Artners Blog , that he provides some Assembly Lines for TDI/SDI , which can help you with SPNEGO and mailintegration.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today IBM announced the session agenda for IBM ConnectED 2015 . I’m really interested in the new concept of more technical content and hope that all attendees will enjoy the format of the smaller designed event. My session “BP203: Best And Worst Practices in Deploying IBM Connections” is accepted and i’m proud and happy to go to Orlando in january 2015 again. If you haven’t already registered, follow this link . Here some points of my planned agenda for this session: Depending on deployment size, operating system and security considerations you have different options to configure IBM Connections. This session will show worst practices examples from multiple customer deployments of IBM Connections.
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