Hcl Connections

Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Carl Tyler postet his view and thoughts: Carl Tyler’s Blog :: Lotusphere 2012 – How I see things
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
In only two weeks starts LCTY Edcom Nachlese 2012 in Munich. I prepare a session on Single Sign On in Notes / Domino environments. So i had time to check some settings in Lotus Notes. Since 8.5.3 we have a new option Domino-SSO for Connections Plugin. I made several tests with my installed Notes Client on Mac OS, but i had no success. I tested with several settings in the preferences dialog and with different settings in plugin_customization.ini . I had one configuration where i can use Sametime Tokenbased Login and leave “Domino Single Sign-On Server” empty in connections preferences, but this works only with running Notes Client and i had to apply the setting again after restart the client.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today i had a look in the IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog and found the new Plugin IBM Connections alerts posted from Luis Benitez . After installation i have two more icons in my Sametime Contacts: It looks good and a video on the Solution Catalog Page show the functionality. Plugin works on Windows and Mac OS X. Alerts look like this:
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Mitch found out that FP2 for Notes 8.5.2 breaks Connections Files and Status Updater Plugins. http://www.curiousmitch.com/2011/05/notes-8-5-2-fp2-and-lotus-connections-plugins-might-not-play-nicely-together/
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today i made a new assembly line in Tivoli Directory Integrator. I iterate Shortname and Filename (with path) of a jpeg-photo in a csv-file. A java class converts this pic to an jpeg binary (class returns this binary array) and then tdi write this value to domino ldap in jpegphoto attribute. Works great, only the csv-file is a little bit of work, but it is a great way to add lots of pictures to sametime profiles. Next step is to include an connector to Lotus Connections profiles.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today i had problems to recreate my Activities Sidebar connection after a Notes Client reinstall. Each time when i want to connect, i got the following error message: Cannot connect to the Activities Server. Either the URL is incorrect, the server is down, or a firewall may be preventing you from reaching the server. Check the URL, your firewall settings and the server status and try again.” When i use the credentials in my browser or the integrated Notes browser, i could login, so server is responding and credentials were ok. Then i had a look in my Domino person record and found out, that the shortname i used is not the first one which is configured.
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