I write most of my documents (blog posts, documentation, recipes and so on) with Asciidoctor . Everything is organized in Git repositories.
During GPN 19 (Gulaschprogrammiernacht) I showed how to build html and pdf with a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline . That’s quite handy, but lots of documents I build, I just need locally.
So today I played with WSL2 and a Makefile to build all Asciidoctor files in a directory.
Last Update: Read in about 2 min
I write most of my documentation with Asciidoctor , so saving some keystrokes is important.
You can add window=_blank
to links in your Asciidoctor source.
Last Update: Read in about 1 min
For GPN19 I prepared a second talk on Documentation with any Editor . The talk was based on a previous one from Froscon 13, but the pipeline tooling changed.
This time there was a technical issue during the recording and so there are only the slides available, but you can still watch the video of the Froscon talk: Froscon 13: Documentation with any Editor
Last Update: Read in about 8 min
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Since thursday the gpn19 (Gulasch Programmiernacht) is taking place in Karlsruhe at ZKM. I’m happy that I got the chance to give two talks:
Documentation with any editor Automate your Infrastructure DeploymentLast Update: Read in about 1 min
During my talk at FrOSCon I wasn’t sure how to install Asciidoctor on Windows. So I tried on a Windows 10 VM.
When you want to use Asciidoctor on a Windows desktop, you need to download the Rubyinstaller and install it.
Now you can open a administrative command window and install with gem install asciidoctor
Last Update: Read in about 1 min
Today I attended Froscon 13 in St. Augustin. Froscon is one or the biggest event around Opensource in Germany. Thanks again to organizers sponsors of this awesome event, it was a pleisure to be here and have the chance to give a talk.
The slides for my session “Documentation with any editor” can be found at .
Last Update: Read in about 1 min