I write most of my documents (blog posts, documentation, recipes and so on) with Asciidoctor . Everything is organized in Git repositories.
During GPN 19 (Gulaschprogrammiernacht) I showed how to build html and pdf with a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline . That’s quite handy, but lots of documents I build, I just need locally.
So today I played with WSL2 and a Makefile to build all Asciidoctor files in a directory.
Commandline to make pdf
asciidoctor-pdf source.adoc -o build/source.pdf
This builds a pdf
in the directory build
, but how can we create a pdf of some files?
docs = $(wildcard *.adoc)
pdfs = $(docs:.adoc=.pdf)
all: $(pdfs)
.PHONY: all
# Call asciidoctor to generate $@ from $^
%.pdf: %.adoc
asciidoctor-pdf $^ -o build/$@
Wildcard of all files with extension
in this directoryMap
instead of.adoc
Run on all targets
is the PDF-File,$^
is the Source
So just running make
will create all documents converted in pdf
Extend the Makefile
Create all documents converted to html
and pdf
in extra folders. Add commandline option variable.
docs := $(wildcard *.adoc)
pdfs := $(docs:.adoc=.pdf)
htmls := $(docs:.adoc=.html)
options := -a toc -a toclevels="1"
all: html pdf
pdf: $(pdfs)
html: $(htmls)
.PHONY: all pdf html
# Call asciidoctor to generate $@ from $^
%.pdf: %.adoc
asciidoctor-pdf $^ $(options) -o build/pdf/$@
%.html: %.adoc
asciidoctor $^ $(options) -o build/html/$@
So now running make
creates html
and pdf
You can use this Makefile
on Linux, Mac OS or Windows (with WSL) to convert a large scale of Asciidoctor files to your target.