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Last week I attended FrOSCon[], a yearly conference about Free and Open-Source software, organized by the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

I use Shaarli since ages to collect links, notes and bookmarks. I worked a little bit on that collection and started to share some as public lists .
On my mobile device I bought a license for Stakali , it fits perfectly into my workflows. I often search on my mobile and share the link through Stakali to my desktop. Stakali just needs the URL and the API Key of Shaarli, but I got errors. So I analyzed the source and app with:
Last Update: Read in about 3 min

For GPN19 I prepared a second talk on Documentation with any Editor . The talk was based on a previous one from Froscon 13, but the pipeline tooling changed.
This time there was a technical issue during the recording and so there are only the slides available, but you can still watch the video of the Froscon talk: Froscon 13: Documentation with any Editor
Last Update: Read in about 8 min

The last months I built a lot of environments for tests with IBM Connections Componentpack, Rancher, plain Kubernetes, IBM Domino and some more. In former years, I deployed single virtual machines, cloned them and created snapshots to “easily” jump back in cases of errors. Then I found Packer , which helped me to automate the first virtual machines on my local notebook.
Now I use Packer to create templates for VMware vSphere, which then are deployed and multiplied with Terraform . Terraform needs some packages installed in the template, that it can provision virtual machines on vSphere.
Last Update: Read in about 4 min