Some Words After Engage And Bcconde

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Author: Christoph Stoettner
Read in about 2 min · 311 words

Fountain pen and a notebook

Photo by Aaron Burden | Unsplash

This week i attended Engage in Breda . I had a session with famous Sharon Bellamy , we covered an update of our Connect 2014 session about BP307 – Practical Solutions for Connections Administrators – Tips and Scripts for Your Daily Busines .

I enjoyed it very much to be with lovely community guys, old and new friends. I want to thank Theo Heselman , he and his crew did and does a really great job to get us all together (350 attendees, 30 IBM Champions, 65 speakers).

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Kitty and Warren Elsmore were with us again and made lovely copies of ourself in lego. Thanks to you too.

After closing session We4It has organized a shuttle to Hamburg. The travel was really good organized and we enjoyed soft drinks, beer and even a great meal at a rainy stop in the middle of the way.

Oli Heinz made great pictures at Engage and Bccon. He also saves this unforgetable experience:


Well prepared we arrived in Hamburg to be at the bcconde a new usergroup event in Germany. About 100 people were there, to see sessions, talk with speakers and sponsors. 7 of 30 IBM Champions which where in Breda made it to come to Hamburg and 6 of us had a short night there.

Session with Klaus Bild was the first time presentating the Connect slides in german and doing a session with Klaus. I see forward to make some new sessions with him.

On thursday i made a review of a IBM Connections environment in Hamburg. Nothing special, but some interesting effects. Main problem in my eyes is the internet proxy used here.

Flight back wasn’t special, but again i had to wait half an hour for suitcase at the airport. Finally i arrived at home at March 21st, 00:30.

There is only one word to describe this week:


Suggested Reading
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Since the IBM Connect pages does not show all presentation, I uploaded mine to slideshare.

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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Last week i was at ConnectED 2015 in Orlando. I enjoyed the event very much, mainly because i met great old and new friends. The Lotus community is one of the best i’ve ever met, or i ever was part of.

After coming home i found out that i have a flu and the headache and need of sleep is not age dependent. So the visits to kimonos and dolphin bar are a little bit shorter than last year, but i enjoyed them nevertheless.

I did a session during ConnectED 2015, see the last version of slides here:

Today i read in Anderl Artners Blog , that he provides some Assembly Lines for TDI/SDI , which can help you with SPNEGO and mailintegration. Thanks for that!

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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

This week i attended the Admincamp in Gelsenkirchen. It was a awesome event, where i met lots of friends and other cool people.

I made two sessions, you can find the session slides here, in this special case in german.

  1. Security and Administration of IBM Connections

  2. Save the mice – Scripting in WebSphere, Connections and DB2 (Online Version)

I have extended and translated the session slides from ICONUK.

You can download this Slides as ZIP :

  • index.html is ICONUK Version

  • index-ac.html is german AdminCamp Version

Here some of my impressions:

Oping session with Rudi Knegt

wpid Photo 26.09.2013 2106

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