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CVE-2021-44228 was a very serious problem end of 2021, and we are still finding new occurrences, or security teams scan servers and find vulnerable log4j files. Don’t get me wrong most of these occurrences are not vulnerable any more, because the JVM is hardened like in the Elasticsearch 7 containers, or they use of the JVM parameter -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true.

Created: Read in about 3 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

IBM released CR4 for IBM Connections 4.5 yesterday evening.

You can download CR4, TDISOL and some Cognos Updates at following links:

New Functions

After deploying CR4 you can enable some new features:

Hash tags in status update replies


    <genericProperty name="com.ibm.connections.ublog.hashtagCommentEnabled">enabled</genericProperty>

to lotusconnections-config.xml

Now you can use hash tags in replies.

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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Today IBM released CR1 on IBM Fixcentral. CR1 is a set of 17 cumulative fixes and enable Mobile Admin (didn’t verified this, hope it will be there) too.

  1. Links for all CR1 Downloads (Multi OS Fixes)

  2. Fix list for IBM Connections 4.0 CR1 – Very long, seems to fix a lot

  3. IBM Connections 4.0 CR1 Post-install Deployment Configuration Steps

  4. Update strategy for IBM Connections 4.0

  5. Cross-product relationship information

You have to download 18 packages, because a new update installer is mandatory!

2012 10 23 2141

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Read in about 1 min