
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I write most of my documentation with Asciidoctor , so saving some keystrokes is important.

You can add window=_blank to links in your Asciidoctor source.

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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

During my talk at FrOSCon I wasn’t sure how to install Asciidoctor on Windows. So I tried on a Windows 10 VM.

When you want to use Asciidoctor on a Windows desktop, you need to download the Rubyinstaller and install it.

Now you can open a administrative command window and install with gem install asciidoctor.

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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I switched my blog to Hugo the last days. After nearly 12 years with WordPress , I needed something new. Why did I drop WordPress, one of the most used blog engines in the world?

Most used means always most interesting for bad guys. Dynamic pages are slower and can contain more vulnerabilities than static pages (which Hugo generates). Hugo supports git, so I have version control in my posts and design. I can start a small web server locally and test the posts: hugo server -D and the most convenient thing: I can use VIM for editing.

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