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In the post Create A Test Environment with Terraform and KVM I created the first three virtual machines, now we configure a DNS server so name resolution works as expected.

Since HCL Connections started to add Kubernetes to the stack, we need to use proper name resolution instead of just editing /etc/hosts. That’s a bit of an effort, but in the end it is way easier than checking several hosts if the hosts file is uptodate.

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Read in about 7 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

In the first two parts of this little devops series, I showed build templates with Packer and deploying virtual-machines with Terraform .

Now we want to install some more packages on our new servers.

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Read in about 5 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

And the second linkdump with contents I read that week.

  • I don’t like the idea, sounds very 1984:
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Read in about 2 min