Disable PDF Export in HCL Connections 8

Author: Christoph Stoettner
Read in about 1 min · 204 words

Newspaper and lamp

Photo by Jonathan Simcoe | Unsplash

I had some issues with PDF export functionality in HCL Connections the last weeks.

The server became unresponsive multiple times due to high load from PDF exports. To quickly address the issue, the simplest solution is to disable the PDF export feature by configuring the icxt.pdfexport.access.requiredrole property in the Resource Environment Entries.

In the past I used CSS to hide the PDF button, but users could still call the API or use the browser developer tools to display the button temporarily.

The ICXT documentation for PDF Export shows this:

icxt.pdfexport.access.requiredroleSpecifies the required access role a user must suffice in order to leverage the PDF Export feature. Valid roles are PDFExport+ItemViewer, PDFExport+ItemEditor and PDFExport+ItemOwner. The roles are calculated based on the HCL Connections content the user wants to execute PDFExport functionality for.PDFExport+ItemEditor

So I always thought only these three possible strings are allowed, but when you use any other string, the PDF export does not show up any more. So using stoeps for example disables the feature, or better does not display the PDF buttons any more.


Then start and stop the IC360_core application.

Now when you open a Wiki or Blog, then the PDF button is gone:




