Today I have a topic from outside the yellow world.
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Since several years I’m interested in IT Security. I do a lot of troubleshooting with so-called hacker tools, but they are really useful in my daily work life! So I started to learn more about this tools. Good resources to learn using Kali Linux, Burpsuite or Metasploit are vulnerable VMs or services like Hack the box . During this challenges and watching the videos of LiveOverflow I played with IDA Free and Radare2 to reverse special prepared binaries. Reading the disassembled code is not that hard, but a challenge.
In a video from Def Con 23 I heard the first time from angr and I like it very much. There is a GUI for it too, but I couldn’t install the dependencies on my Ubuntu machine. In Kali Linux it worked perfectly, but not on the local installation.
On Docker Hub you can download a ready installed container with the latest angr-management. This container uses your local X Server, so you need to use some parameters for the start and you can map a local path into the container that you can access the binaries:
docker run --name angr-mgmt -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $PWD:/home/angr/pwd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix angr/angr-management
So what does this all mean?
--name angr-mgmt
: I give the container a name, so I can start it again withdocker start angr-mgmt
-e QT\_X11\_NO_MITSHM=1
: Without that I got security errors during the X Server access, but in that thread I got the information that it’s faster to use–ipc host
: Add environment variable $DISPLAY-v $PWD:/home/angr/pwd
: map the path you’re now to the container path/home/angr/pwd
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
: map the local path to the container path to access Xangr-management
: name of the docker image
Final container command
docker run --name angr-mgmt --ipc host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $PWD:/home/angr/pwd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix angr/angr-management
Testing the software
As a first test I opened a example binary from the angr documentation named crackme0x00a
. That’s a very easy binary (used in lots of tutorials) , because the used string can be found as a string in the disassembled code, but I think you get a picture of angr:
Update 2018-03-08
Today I tried some more things from the documentation and behind some links, I found: , so the Docker start can be done with the shell script on Github. There is a second one for Mac OS X too.