Using Docker and ELK to Analyze WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log

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Author: Christoph Stoettner
Read in about 5 min · 932 words

Fountain pen and a notebook

Photo by Aaron Burden | Unsplash

I often get SystemOut.log files from customers or friends to help them analyzing a problem. Often it is complicated to find the right server and application which generates the real error, because most WebSphere Applications (like IBM Connections or Sametime) are installed on different Application Servers and Nodes. So you need to open multiple large files in your editor, scroll each to the needed timestamps and check the lines before for possible error messages.

Klaus Bild showed on several conferences and in his blog the functionality of ELK, so I thought about using ELK too. I started to build a virtual machine with ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana) and imported my local logs and logs i got mailed. This way is cool to analyze your environment, but adding just some SystemOut.logs from outside is not the best way. It’s hard to remove this stuff after analyzing from a ELK instance.

Then I found a tutorial to install ELK with Docker, there is even a great Part 2 of this post, which helps us installing an ELK Cluster. Just follow this blog posts, install Docker and Docker-compose. It’s really fast deployed. In my case i do not use flocker, it’s enough to use a local data container for the elasticsearch data.

Why do I use Docker instead of a virtual machine? It’s super easy to just drop the data container and begin with an empty database.

My setup

I created a folder on my Mac to put all needed stuff for the Docker images to it:

mkdir elk
cd elk

Create a file Docker-compose.yaml with following content:

  image: elasticsearch:latest
  command: elasticsearch
    - "9200:9200"
    - "9300:9300"
    - elasticsearch1:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
  image: logstash:latest
  command: logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d
    - ./conf.d:/etc/logstash/conf.d
    - ./logs:/opt/logs
    - "5000:5000"
    - elasticsearch
  image: kibana
    - "5601:5601"
    - elasticsearch
    - ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200

So you see that elasticsearch is using a data-container for /usr/share/elasticsearch/data and logstash reads the configuration from a local folder ./conf.d and we map an additional local folder logs to /opt/logs. This log folder will be used to copy SystemOut.logs for analyzation to it.


I splitted my logstash configuration to multiple files, but you can copy them together if you want.


input {
    file {
            path => [ "/opt/logs/*/*/SystemOut.log" ]
            start_position => "beginning"
            type => "websphere"
            # important! logstash read only logs from files touched the last 24 hours
            # 8640000 = 100 days
            ignore_older => "8640000"

You can see that i added // in front of the log file. This will be used to tag the log messages with company and servername, so i can search and filter on basis of these tags. So i assume that the first folder after /opt/logs is the company (or test/production) and the second folder will be the servername.

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filter {
        # Nothing will pass this filter unless it is a new event ( new [2014-03-02 1.... )
        # multiline adds java error traces to original log entry
        pattern => "^\["
        what => "previous"
        negate=> true

    if [path] =~ "SystemOut.log" {
        grok {
            # get company and servernames from folder names
            match => ["path", "%{GREEDYDATA}/%{GREEDYDATA:company}/%{GREEDYDATA:server_name}/SystemOut.log"]
        grok {
            match => ["message", "\[%{DATA:timestamp} %{WORD:tz}\] %{BASE16NUM:was_threadID} %{WORD:was_shortname} %{SPACE}%{WORD:was_loglevel} %{SPACE}%{SPACE}%{SPACE}%{WORD:was_errorcode}: %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
            match => ["message", "\[%{DATA:timestamp} %{WORD:tz}\] %{BASE16NUM:was_threadID} %{WORD:was_shortname} %{SPACE}%{WORD:was_loglevel} %{SPACE}%{SPACE}%{SPACE} \[%{GREEDYDATA:was_sibbus}\] +%{WORD:was_errorcode}: %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
            match => ["message", "\[%{DATA:timestamp} %{WORD:tz}\] %{BASE16NUM:was_threadID} %{WORD:was_shortname} %{SPACE}%{WORD:was_loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:message2} +%{WORD:was_errorcode}: %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
            match => ["message", "\[%{DATA:timestamp} %{WORD:tz}\] %{BASE16NUM:was_threadID} %{WORD:was_shortname} %{SPACE}%{WORD:was_loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:message2}\) +%{WORD:was_errorcode} +%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
            match => ["message", "\[%{DATA:timestamp} %{WORD:tz}\] %{BASE16NUM:was_threadID} %{WORD:was_shortname} %{SPACE}%{WORD:was_loglevel} %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}"]
            overwrite => [ "message" ]
            match => ["timestamp", "dd/MM/YY HH:mm:ss:SSS", "M/d/YY HH:mm:ss:SSS", "MM/d/YY HH:mm:ss:SSS", "M/dd/YY HH:mm:ss:SSS", "MM/dd/YY H:mm:ss:SSS", "M/d/YY H:mm:ss:SSS", "MM/d/YY H:mm:ss:SSS",
"M/dd/YY H:mm:ss:SSS"]


I remove the timezone information of the timestamp, so if you need to know the local time of your system, you should adjust this (had problems with CEST and so on, so i just removed it).

I tried to get the most informations i can, but the filter is not complete until now, some message do not provide us the right error_code, but i think it is a good starting point.

You can use the same filter for SystemOut.logs sent through the network, or with other ELK tools, then the company and server information is not tagged.


output {
    if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"

Just the code that logstash forwards the log messages to elasticsearch with the additional tags and updated timestamps.

That’s pretty much all. Open a command window and change to the elk folder:

cd elk
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Open http://localhost:5601 in your browser and you can start using kibana with your logs.

When you want to reset the containers, just use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml rm -f --all
docker volume rm elasticsearch1

And after this you can create the containers again.

Start using Kibana

Open http://localhost:5601 in your favorite browser and configure the index pattern:

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I check rather old logfiles here, so i get following page on “Discover”:

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So moving the timepicker a little bit and we see the first log messages:

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You see we can expand a single message entry and check tags and informations, even the java error stacks (multiline) are grouped together, additionally to the error or log message we get all added fields we generated out of the log file:

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Example of multiline:

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Example of filtering and changing the view (only showing special error codes):

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So now we can start custimizing the view filter for event type, error code and so on. Have fun to start analyzing with ELK.

Suggested Reading
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Last week I wrote a post about Using Docker and ELK to Analyze WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log , but i wasn’t happy with my date filter and how the websphere response code is analyzed. The main problem was, that the WAS response code is not always on the beginning of a log message, or do not end with “:” all the time.

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Read in about 3 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

With IBM Connections 6 you can deploy the additional component Orient Me , which provides the first microservices which will build the new IBM Connections pink. Orient Me is installed on top of IBM Spectrum Conductor for Containers (CFC) a new product to help with clustering and orchestrating of the Docker containers.

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