Missing command history on Linux is a little problem when using command line utilities like wsadmin, db2, sqlplus and so on.
I found a solution for this today.
You can use rlwrap to get command history for all applications on the console and it is possible to recall and edit the commands. Rlwrap uses readline.
Installation on CentOS:
yum install readline-static gcc make
tar -xvzf rlwrap-0.41.tar.gz
cd rlwrap-0.41
make install
Call rlwrap with wsadmin:
rlwrap -r /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -username wasadmin -password password
rlwrap and db2
rlwrap -r db2
Use rlwrap everytime with alias
vim ~/.bash_profile
export WAS_HOME=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
export DMGR=Dmgr01
alias db2='rlwrap -r db2'
alias wsadmin='cd $WAS_HOME/profiles/$DMGR/bin;rlwrap -r ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython'