Populate profile pictures with TDI to LDAP

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Author: Christoph Stoettner
Read in about 1 min · 87 words

Fountain pen and a notebook

Photo by Aaron Burden | Unsplash

Today i made a new assembly line in Tivoli Directory Integrator.

I iterate Shortname and Filename (with path) of a jpeg-photo in a csv-file. A java class converts this pic to an jpeg binary (class returns this binary array) and then tdi write this value to domino ldap in jpegphoto attribute.

Works great, only the csv-file is a little bit of work, but it is a great way to add lots of pictures to sametime profiles.

Next step is to include an connector to Lotus Connections profiles.

Suggested Reading
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Today I learned a new lesson during troubleshooting a IBM Connections System. I updated to 6.0 CR2, updated WebSphere to FP13, last fixpack for Docs and so on. You will ask if I added IFP88438 to the list, be sure that I installed this fix which reanables the root element in Federated Repositories. Have a look at WAS 8.5.5 FP12 breaks Domino “root” base entry setting for more details.

Then one of the two deployments showed strange behavior with Activities. On the Activitystream I only got an orange error symbol instead of the Todo list and when I opened Activities directly I got an empty page.

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Read in about 3 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I read an open APAR on IBM Connections today (login required!): LO73245


TDI’s sync_all_users.sh doesn’t allow us to import departmentNumbers longer than 16 chars, although the database schema supports values up to 24 chars.

And as local solution:

worked around the issue with creating a custom field

I had a very similar problem with validation of LDAP Search filter (which is saved in employee-table too) and searched longer to solve this (I set sync_store_source_url=false), but the real error was like here in validate_dbrepos_fields.properties.

When you open validate_dbrepos_fields.properties (in your tdisol directory) you found following:


So here is the validation error and not in the database! You can solve the APAR without using a customField, when you set deptNumber to 24.

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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

On one of my IBM Connections Site i had a problem with directory search (better the typeahead search). When we searched single characters no business cards are displayed.

2012 03 19 13 18 11

I use Firebug for Chrome here and you see, that the search gets an result back from Connections, but no business cards are displayed.

When i open this get statement i get a list of profile documents in JSON format:

2012 03 19 13 23 48

In this case i a got a list of about 20 User profiles. When i search a little bit more detailed i get an error of a Javascript, which should interpret the JSON list. Thanks to the developer (I think it is a dojo script)! “There was an error!” is a great response for troubleshooting and searching the error on Google or Bing!

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Read in about 2 min