Welcome @stoeps.de, the blog of Christoph Stoettner

I work at Vegard IT GmbH as a senior consultant with a focus on collaboration software, Kubernetes, security and automation. I mainly deal with HCL Connections, WebSphere Application Server, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform and Linux.

Sometimes my daily work results in technical talks and blog articles, which you can follow here more or less regularly. You can find the presentations in the main menu under public speaking .

I created a list of tools I use regularly, most of which have been released under an open source license.

In my spare time I read a lot, test all kinds of technical software and gadgets and try to follow about 200 RSS feeds.
Here you can find a collection of them.

This is my private blog, all opinions are my own.

Some of my profiles


Last created or modified articles

I started reviewing old blog post and replace links, or check if the information is still valid. So here are the last updated articles.

Christoph Stoettner
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Setting the performance tuning parameters for all datasources in WebSphere Application Server (for IBM Connections 4 ) is a really annoying job with lots of mouse clicks. I searched a way to make these through wsadmin with a jython script and after some testing i wrote one, which set all parameters for the Connections DataSources as described in IBM Connections 4 Performance Tuning Guide . I set StatementCacheSize, minConnections and maxConnections with this script. Download: changeDataSourceParameters Using this script Copy this script to your server and copy & paste it to a wsadmin-Session, or start wsadmin with wsadmin.(sh|bat) -lang jython -username youruser -password password -f path/changeDataSourceParameter.
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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
With Connections Fixpack CR1 we had a problem, that profile pictures didn’t show up when we opened an activity stream entry: With CR2 the profile pictures get not replaced with a grey head icon:
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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Last week i want to build a “light” Connections Installation to test some things like OAuth and Customizing. So i installed Domino 9 Beta on Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit, DB2 9.5.7 Express and WebSphere. I deployed the homepage and the profiles databases. After this i want to install the required applications of Connections (Homepage, Search and News) and Profiles. Installation shows no more dependencies and i started up my Connections after install. Modules are looking good, but when i want to add a status update the windows opens, but show no buttons to Save the Status. Even on homepage or people views i can’t add status updates.
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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
I read an open APAR on IBM Connections today (login required!): LO73245 Description: TDI’s sync_all_users.sh doesn’t allow us to import departmentNumbers longer than 16 chars, although the database schema supports values up to 24 chars. And as local solution: worked around the issue with creating a custom field I had a very similar problem with validation of LDAP Search filter (which is saved in employee-table too) and searched longer to solve this (I set sync_store_source_url=false), but the real error was like here in validate_dbrepos_fields.properties. When you open validate_dbrepos_fields.properties (in your tdisol directory) you found following: deptNumber=16 So here is the validation error and not in the database!
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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Klaus Bild provided two scripts for setting Connections Admins through jython and wsadmin. I want to add one detail, when you want to add multiple Admins, then you can use pipe | as delimiter. First line would be connwasadmin='wasadmin|conadmin' Thanks Klaus, i like to set the admins through a script, because fixpack installations often set the j2ee roles to default.
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Read in about 1 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today Luis Benitez annouced the new Connections 4 Plugins for Lotus Notes . The zip-file contains all three operating system installer. Windows, Linux and Mac, but i had no success to install through xpd.mac-addon.pgk, because the preinstall script stop the installation. You can open this file in finder: ] ] Now you can copy the updatesite folder to an other place and use File – Application – Install in Lotus Notes. Point the Install to the updatesite folder and install the whole package. I have to restart twice, but after this i can use the new Status Update, Files and Activities Plugins.
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Read in about 1 min